If you're really into the organic farming and gardening scene, the name "Monsanto," is your "Voldemort." It's a company so unethical and corrupt that the mere name makes you cringe (i.e. suing neighboring farmers if the wind carries pollen from plants grown with Monsanto seeds onto their farms...you know, because farmers totally control the wind. Did I mention buying members of congress to pass a
bill allowing their seeds to be planted before there is enough scientific research on the effects of GMO products on people and the environment?). Click
here to read a MOFGA article on Monsanto. Because we care about maintaining a safe food supply, free from genetic modification, Hidden Acres does all that we can to avoid supporting Monsanto in any way. We're always looking to buy seeds from companies that have signed the
Safe Seed Pledge, or that can at least validate that they do not sell genetically modified seeds. Renee's Garden is one of these companies, which is why we ordered some of our flower seeds from them. Johnny' Selected Seeds of Maine and High Mowing Organic Seeds of Vermont are another two.
Flower Seeds from Renee's Garden- GMO free! |